I have decided not to
reply to any more responses on this blog because I feel like I am banging my
head against a brick wall!
I do want to make
I respect women that
breast feed
I respect women that
I respect parents who
co sleep
I respect parents
that don't
I respect all sorts
of parents and I have NEVER said anything different
I have also never
said that my way is the right way to parent
What I don't respect
is rude, ignorant people who have no respect for other peoples choices
Please feel free to
still leave your thoughts, I will read them and no doubt mutter under my
In the words of Ringo
Peace & Love,
Peace & Love
Ok, ok, ok I clearly
did not express myself right and people took what I was saying too literally so
I have amended the post.
But what I do want to
point out is that this is MY blog, with MY opinions and MY experiences so if
you don't like what I have to say then don't read it, it's that simple.
I will not be bullied
into changing my opinions because people do not like what I have to say.
Since I have had my
children I have found myself being judged, berated and ignored by certain
parents who are so adamant that their way of parenting is THE only way of
For example
I have never been
judged for formula feeding my babies by another formula feeding parent
I have never been
judged for using controlled crying by a parent who also uses controlled crying
I have never been
judged for giving my baby a jar of baby food by a parent who uses jarred baby
I HAVE been judged
and berated by parents who breast feed, do not let their babies cry and who
only serve their babies home cooked food. I can provide examples...
The vast majority of
parents do not judge regardless of their parenting styles and this rant is not
about or to you. This rant is to all those "Know it all" parents who
try to bully or be little me into their way is the right way.
It's a tough job
being a parent and the last thing you need is other people and the press
telling you your doing a crap job or you are harming your baby by formula
feeding or letting them cry occasionally.
I didn't breastfeed
my two girls through a mixture of choice and circumstances.
I do not regret that
If anyone dares to
tell me I haven't bonded completely or that I have not given my girls the best
start in life, then I suggest that you come and see for yourself my two
wonderfully healthy, happy little girls. We absolutely and totally adore each
Ok I.....
I formula fed my
I used controlled
crying when necessary to get my babies to sleep through the night. They are now
3 and 17 months and they sleep 7pm to 7am most nights
I discipline my
They occasionally
have sweets and chocolate
I use disposable
I sometimes used baby
food in a jar
Does this make me a
bad mother? Well in the eyes of some people yes it does!
My response to that
is we are happy!! My girls are well adjusted, they know their mummy loves them
more than anything else in the world and they are HAPPY!
I don't care how
other mothers parent their babies, I don't care if you breastfeed or not,
whether you co sleep, whether you put your new born its own room from day 1,
whether you attachment parent, whether you Gina Ford, whether you carry your
babies everywhere in a sling, if you use cloth nappies or disposable or none at
all, I don't care!! If you ask me my opinion I will give it, if you take my
advice then that is up to you, I don't care!! As long as your baby is well
looked after, not abused or neglected then it's nothing what so ever to do with
me and I wouldn't dream of telling you that your way is wrong and my way is
right.... Personal choice is well personal... I DO NOT JUDGE!!
So this is a message
for all those who look down their noses and can't keep their opinions to themselves...
Keep your nose out, concentrate on your own family, stop telling everyone else
how to parent and mind your own bloody business!