Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Know It All Parents, back off!!


I have decided not to reply to any more responses on this blog because I feel like I am banging my head against a brick wall!

I do want to make clear:

I respect women that breast feed
I respect women that don't

I respect parents who co sleep
I respect parents that don't

I respect all sorts of parents and I have NEVER said anything different

I have also never said that my way is the right way to parent

What I don't respect is rude, ignorant people who have no respect for other peoples choices

Please feel free to still leave your thoughts, I will read them and no doubt mutter under my breath.

In the words of Ringo Starr...
Peace & Love, Peace & Love


Ok, ok, ok I clearly did not express myself right and people took what I was saying too literally so I have amended the post.

But what I do want to point out is that this is MY blog, with MY opinions and MY experiences so if you don't like what I have to say then don't read it, it's that simple.

I will not be bullied into changing my opinions because people do not like what I have to say.

Since I have had my children I have found myself being judged, berated and ignored by certain parents who are so adamant that their way of parenting is THE only way of parenting.

For example

I have never been judged for formula feeding my babies by another formula feeding parent

I have never been judged for using controlled crying by a parent who also uses controlled crying

I have never been judged for giving my baby a jar of baby food by a parent who uses jarred baby food

I HAVE been judged and berated by parents who breast feed, do not let their babies cry and who only serve their babies home cooked food. I can provide examples...

The vast majority of parents do not judge regardless of their parenting styles and this rant is not about or to you. This rant is to all those "Know it all" parents who try to bully or be little me into their way is the right way.

It's a tough job being a parent and the last thing you need is other people and the press telling you your doing a crap job or you are harming your baby by formula feeding or letting them cry occasionally.

I didn't breastfeed my two girls through a mixture of choice and circumstances.

I do not regret that decision.

If anyone dares to tell me I haven't bonded completely or that I have not given my girls the best start in life, then I suggest that you come and see for yourself my two wonderfully healthy, happy little girls. We absolutely and totally adore each other.

Ok I.....

I formula fed my babies
I used controlled crying when necessary to get my babies to sleep through the night. They are now 3 and 17 months and they sleep 7pm to 7am most nights
I discipline my children
They occasionally have sweets and chocolate
I use disposable nappies
I sometimes used baby food in a jar

Does this make me a bad mother? Well in the eyes of some people yes it does!

My response to that is we are happy!! My girls are well adjusted, they know their mummy loves them more than anything else in the world and they are HAPPY!

I don't care how other mothers parent their babies, I don't care if you breastfeed or not, whether you co sleep, whether you put your new born its own room from day 1, whether you attachment parent, whether you Gina Ford, whether you carry your babies everywhere in a sling, if you use cloth nappies or disposable or none at all, I don't care!! If you ask me my opinion I will give it, if you take my advice then that is up to you, I don't care!! As long as your baby is well looked after, not abused or neglected then it's nothing what so ever to do with me and I wouldn't dream of telling you that your way is wrong and my way is right.... Personal choice is well personal... I DO NOT JUDGE!!

So this is a message for all those who look down their noses and can't keep their opinions to themselves... Keep your nose out, concentrate on your own family, stop telling everyone else how to parent and mind your own bloody business!


  1. I'm glad you're happy & yes the judgemental peeps are annoying but I gather you have an issue with attachment parenting. AP parents aren't all knackered and depressed. They do what they do coz it works for them. Your blog post does judge them regardless of you saying you don't. AP isn't about ticking a list of do's either. As for your attitude towards mental health, I would just like to say that depression is an illness - a chemical imbalance of the brain not a consequence of a different style of parenting. I suggest you research about things before you write about them. At the end of the day all mothers are doing the best they can with the information they had at the time. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for the comment and I have no issues with attachment parenting at all and this blog was aimed at certain groups of parents that think their way is the only way and look down their noses at those parents who choose a different style. It was no way meant to be offensive to anyone and I know all about depression.

  2. I dont judge anyones parenting style, however after reading your post I feel I must defend my own. I attatchment parent. I breastfed. I still co sleep with both my little ones. I have never left them to cry. Thats just my choice and my children like yours are happy and healthty. And I am most certainly not depressed. I love my life and thats because I spend every second of it with my children.

    1. Thank you for your comment and I certainly wasn't critising AP at all or saying that everyone who Ap's are depressed. My choice of words may have been taken too literal and I was just clumping together everyone and everything that I have read over the last few weeks together and it came out in one large vent. I certainly did not mean to offend anyone and each to their own

  3. If the press are telling you that you're harming your baby isn't it worth investing some time out of your day to research WHY they are saying that?

    1. Different anon here (sorry can't remember my google password atm) anyway I agree with the above post, why not spending a bit of your time to research why they are saying that...

      There are RISKS in formula feeding.
      There are RISKS in CIO
      There are risks in feeding jar foods.

      And no, it's not personal opinion, it's EVIDENCE and FACTS! Choose to do the above but don't promote it as a 'normal' thing to do or berate when others say what you've done is not desirable.

    2. So are you telling me that I cannot choose how to parent my child?

      I do not promote anything or say anything is "normal" all I am saying is it my choice and it has nothing to do with any one else.

      And if people choose to tell me that what I'm doing is not desirable then I will tell them where to go!

  4. It was just a general comment about things I have read over the last few weeks. If you read all the garbage in the press as mothers we can never do anything right and I am just standing up for me, and as for finding out WHY they are saying that its because its sells papers!
    Please do not take what I say literally, I am just venting, I wasn't targeting anyone in particular or any groups was just letting off steam

  5. I think your attitude is terrible. You say you are not judging but you clearly are. I am not a AP parent but I still feel what you sed is judgemental and very condisending. Maybe you should take a step back and review your own comments before you 'vent' about others parenting. I think you will find the research behind CIO is pretty extensive as opposed to selling papers. Educate yourself .

    1. I'm sorry you feel like that but its my opinion and if you don't like it then don't read my blog

  6. CIO (a.k.a controlled crying/spaced soothing/et etc etc) DOES sell books.
    And encourages people with NO scientific evidence to call themselves 'baby experts' AKA money makers.
    Also, it indirectly promotes the use of formula, as breastmilk is produced on-demand
    Therefore CIO MAKES money.
    As do Formula companies. Which by the way, own most of the baby food market and happen to be owned by *the* PHARMA industry

    AP/breastfeeding/co-sleeping/avoiding the use of jar foods DOES NOT make money (lmfao at the thought) so it IS worth investing a little time to read EVIDENCE instead of 'experts opinions'....

    May I ask, why do you mention AP instead of just any parent who you FEEL has looked down on you?

    1. Thanks for the comment and I hand on heart do not single out parents who AP, I had never even heard of it until a couple of weeks ago and the things I have experienced have happened over the last 3 years so and its just my personal experience and opinion.

      I am not criticising any forms of parenting, I am criticising people who cannot tolerate other peoples forms of parenting

  7. There are so many blogs out there about 'alternative' parenting, so I have to say I am refreshed to find another mother like me who has embraced modern conveniences and is not afraid to admit that using formula and disposable nappies makes life easier. I have AP friends, and am happy if they are happy. And their children are as wonderful as my son. The kids don't care how you do it, as long as you're doing it! There is no right or wrong way. As long as your child is happy, healthy and safe then that is all that matters.

    1. Can I tell you I love you!

      First you are not "Anonymous" and second I think you actually got what I was trying to say!

      Thank you

  8. I have made some different parenting choices to you, and some the same and I agree with what (I think) you're saying.
    We all try to do not only what we think is right for our children but also what works best, bearing in mind all children and families are different, what works for one isn't necessarily going to work for another.
    I recently blogged about breastfeeding as I feel like all I have heard recently in the media is criticism for it so it seems like nobody can win, whatever you do somebody will say it's wrong!
    Before I went on maternity leave I saw so many examples of neglected children in my job - perhaps there should be more focus on the children whose basic needs aren't even being met, rather than normal parents who are actually caring for their children, albeit using varying methods!
    (I don't think blogger likes me so in case this comes up as anonymous... http://amothersgrim.wordpress.com )

    1. (Aah, it's not anon, possibly the first time ever that has worked properly!!)

    2. I completely agree, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't.
      I was not attacking anyone's parenting choices but more sticking two fingers up at those that judge everyone else and as I can only go off my experiences that's what I wrote about but I have no doubt that everyone gets it in the neck. To be honest I was horrified that people thought I was having a go at everyone that breast feeds or attachment parents etc, that really wasn't my intention at all.

  9. QUOTE 'we are damned if we do and damned if we don't'

    I hate to disagree with such a statement, as there is not a single proof that breastfeeding and responding to baby's needs is bad for the child; if anything, evidence supports the latter.
    So, no, we -I and the rest of the APs- are not 'doomed if we do'

    Who says formula feeding and using cry it out is good? Do they have scientific proof?
    Who says co-sleeping SAFELY is bad? Do they have scientific proof?

    Thought so.

  10. ARGGHHHH!!!!!!!

    that "QUOTE" wasn't anything to do with breast feeding!!!!!! It was in relation to no matter how you choose to parent there is always someone who will criticise you!

    I have never said any of your points are good or bad??? what I am saying is do not judge me for my choices as I do not judge you. End of story

    And all these comments to be honest just prove my point

  11. Well said my dear! Its a shame people are reading your post in the way it was meant!! XXX

    1. i meant arnt!! sorry xx

    2. Thanks, I was getting to the point where I was going to tell someone to F Off that's why I said I wasn't commenting any more lol.
      But it just proved my point that the "Mummy Mafia" do not like anyone to express an opinion that is different from their own.

      Next week I may blog about puppy farming and see who else I can upset ;-)
