Excuse me whilst I sob into my pillow...
We didn't get our first choice....
Or second choice....
We got our third choice!
I think that is why this post is two months late, I've been in denial and pretended it wasn't happening but now it's time to face facts and admit it to myself.
At first I wasn't too fussed as all three schools are good schools, (it was actually my second choice but my husbands third so thats how it ended up in bottom place) and the third choice school also has an excellent school nursery that Isobel can start in January.
But as time has gone on I've got more disappointed.
There isn't much in it regarding Sats and Ofsted BUT my first choice school is the best school in the area, and has a fantastic reputation where as my third choice school has just had a new head who is doing marvels with the school it's just not quite up to my first choice.
And the killer kick is we missed out on our first choice by 0.03 miles!
0.03 miles!!! Gutted!
So we are on the waiting list and up to now we are first in the que (yes, that's how close we were, missed out by one sodding place! Excuse me whilst I go and sob again).
And just to rub my nose in it, pretty much all of Amelia's nursery friends are going to my first choice so the mums are all glowy and happy and I want to scream!! Ok well maybe not a scream but still it gets me all irritated, not that it takes much but hey ho.
But and it's an important but, I do know how ridiculously lucky we are that we have such good schools to choose from and its a nice middle class area so no Jeremy Kyle types but still I am keeping everything crossed we get the call we are in, it will probably come the day after I order her school uniform....