I wanted to do something different for Easter gifts this year and the girls love painting and gluing and sticking so these beautiful little plant pots seemed like the perfect Easter gift for Grandparents (and us of course, they were just too cute not to).
I first got the idea wandering around Tesco, I saw the terracotta plant pots which were on buy two get one free so I got 9 for £5 which I thought was reasonable enough. My original idea was to plant Sunflower seeds and let the girls free style the decoration but I saw the hand print pads in Hobby Craft and that's how the handprint idea came about.
After spending a gazzillion pound in Hobby Craft we had enough paint and stickers to do some serious decorating.
First we painted the pots white, then we added the handprints. On the grandparents pots they did a hand each, then we spray lacquered them so hopefully the paint will be weather proofed and once thoroughly dried the girls added the stickers.
Painted white
Giving them a helping "Drying" hand
Having a freestyle break
All painted, ready for stickers
Princess Amelia doing some serious sticking

The Finished Product
It was great fun, the girls had a wonderfully messy time and the grandparents loved them.
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