Monday 10 September 2012

Time or lack off..

Time is my enemy, it hates me! I do not seem to get a minute, things are just manic! 

You would think as my two lovely little girls like to get me up at about 6am I would have lots of time but it seems like one second its 6am and the next its 11pm and I've not stopped.

Why am I so busy...

Apart from the obvious and having two toddlers to look after, we are renovating the house which is taking a lot of my time as I stupidly volunteered to do the painting (why oh why did I do this??), as well as working during the evenings, two lots of gymnastics, playgroup, visiting my Mum and Dad, Nana, Sister, friends, ballet, swimming, shopping AND I'm trying to fit in a new career move as well!!! I really have no time for sleeping, bathing etc...

Pro Plus and Redbull are my new best friends, if I could figure out how to get a few extra hours a day I would be laughing.

Oh and did I mention my husband is working away? so I am also a single parent for the next 8 days....

I may soon be found rocking in the corner. 


  1. You are very brave! We're selling up next year and there's so much to do. I'm using my two as an excuse to do precisely none of it ;)

  2. Ha Ha! I've been putting it off for ages but now I've started I won't stop until I finish or die of exhaustion which ever comes first
