Monday 3 September 2012

Crying at the Nursery Door

Baba starts nursery this week one day a week, I booked her place with much anticipation last January but as the time got nearer I started to dread it. Which is ridiculous! I have not had a day to myself since Amelia was born in May 2009!

Like I said initially I was really excited about how I would spend my free time but then I started to worry about how Baba would cope as she is the original velcro baby, she screams blue murder if I leave her at home with her Daddy and god forbid I leave her with her doting Grandparents. She really is a nightmare, I was expecting the worse, even to the point where I was going to delay sending her until January but, as my husband pointed out she isn't going to change any time soon, so am I not sending her to school either? And because she is so clingy that maybe a bit of independence from me would probably do her and me the world of good.

Fast forward to last week where I had to leave her for the first time, I booked her in for a morning session to break her in gently, I took her in, she ran straight off to play, I loitered... she didn't notice... I loitered a bit more... she still didn't notice.... I shuffled towards the door... she didn't notice... I virtually got shoved out the door by the staff... she didn't notice... I looked through the window for five minutes... she didn't notice... so I got in my car and even though I was relieved there was no screaming hysterics I was also a bit sad that my little Clingy Miss Clingy Pants didn't need me (of course I know that’s not true but I was being melodramatic).

So I went off for three lovely hours, did some shopping and when I went back for her she still hadn't sodding noticed I'd left but her big beaming smile was good enough for me.

I am still preparing myself for hysterics though at some point, the little bugger is probably lulling me into a false sense of security and as soon as I think “oh that was easy” she will turn back into a wailing she-devil, clinging to my legs….


  1. Well firstly, good to see you back :-) and dont worry she will miss you x
