Thursday 5 July 2012


Have I told you how much I hate balloons? No? Well I do, I hate balloons and clowns and butterfly's and ladybirds and snot! but mostly I hate balloons and it seems like my house always full of fecking balloons.

My mum bought my eldest a Dora balloon, which somehow managed to escape (I didn't do it governor, honest) Amelia was devastated as it floated off into space but I was pleased, happy even.

If I ever meet a person who makes balloons I cannot be held responsible for my actions!

This is Dora going into space


  1. lol! I hate wet tissues or toilet paper. Yes, quite a problem there! Freaks me out...COMPLETELY!!!

    Just to let you know that I have nominated you as 1 of my 11 for the Liebster Award. Ax
