Wednesday 13 June 2012

I am renaming the day as Whinging Wednesday

Today all I have done is whinge, so I am renaming today to Whinging Wednesday.

I have whinged about lack of sleep due to my terrible twosome deciding that sleep is for the weak.

I have whinged that everyone has sun and we don't

I have whinged that Baba has a constant runny nose, which in all fairness is disgusting

I have whinged that my breasts have disappeared, completely disappeared! I bought two new bra's yesterday, 32 A and I still don't fill the cup! Fecking kids! Next step is a training bra!

I've whinged that it's still half term here so I can't take the girls to jellybeans because it will be bedlam.

I've just been to the clinic to get Baba weighed and the clinic is this afternoon not morning

I've spent £20 on a magazine, dishwasher tablets and milk! £20!!

And it's now raining

All this before 10.30am

Happy Days!