Thursday 14 June 2012

The nasties under the sofa

I am a clean person

I love a clean house

I am a little OCD at times 


How come whenever I clean under my sofa cushions, which is regular its like an explosion in a biscuit/crisp/raisin/small toy factory!

It mortifies me! Really it does. I am sure if I cleaned it then left the room for 5 minutes and came back to look, it would like I had never cleaned it in the first place. I would try this experiment but I am too scared in case we have a Drop Dead Fred, who I am already convinced is Baba's friend... Seriously! This kid can make a mess.

If she starts calling herself snotface then I know I'm in big trouble!


  1. We have the same issue here, I don't care how often people tell me to clean under the sofa I can't let it go for more than a couple of days without finding a small hoover full worth of dirt under there!

    1. Ha Ha, I'm glad its not just my house. It amazes and disgusts me all at the same time.

  2. I love drop dead fred that would be freaky though x

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I can seriously leave her in a tidy room for 30 seconds, come back and she will have trashed it and still be sat in the same spot! She has a Fred!!
