Tuesday 26 February 2013

Mondays are now called Fundays

Life is always busy, we are always rushing off to do something, some place to go, work to do... I feel like some days all I seem to say to the girls is give me a minute, we will do that later/tomorrow/next week which just adds fuel to the mountain of mummy guilt I just naturally feel. So what I have decided to do is to declare Mondays as Fundays! It's the quietest day of our week, so the plan is to make sure we do something fun like baking cakes, painting, go the park, play center... HAVE FUN!

Yesterday was our first Funday and how did we spend it?

In sodding A&E, that's how!

We were supposed to be meeting my friend and her kids at the local play center but Amelia woke up with a bit of a cough so they came to our house instead. Over the morning Amelia's cough grew progressively worse, my friend only stayed an hour as Amelia wasn't well, after they left she had a little sleep then when she woke up her cough was dreadful. She was struggling for breath and had a real bark, I called the doctors and they had no appointments, I didn't feel that we could wait for the out of hours doctor so we went to children's A&E at Warrington Hospital. Now the NHS get some stick but I have nothing but praise for the children's department we were seen within minutes, she was diagnosed with croup and had appropriate treatment within 15 minutes of us being there, they were fabulous. In total we were there for three hours whilst they observed her before we were sent home. 

She is thankfully on the mend but definitely not the sort of Funday I had in mind, hopefully next Monday will be much more fun!

Warrington Hospital Childrens A&E

Amelia still managed to have some fun though!

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