Friday 27 January 2012

28/01/2012 What a shit day...

My first real journal/post and all I am going to do is sodding moan!!

First off I dropped my phone down the toilet! if that's not bad enough it wasn't my nice clean toilet, it was a public toilet with bits of shit floating in it!!!! Argh!!! FFS!!  but I couldn't say that at the time as I was with my two year old and I said... oh mummy's a silly billy, I've dropped my phone down the toilet..... 

My iphone is now sat in bowl of rice on the radiator drying out

I am such a TIT!

I have also today:

Dropped a bunch of flowers on its head and broke most of the heads off
Pulled a draw out too hard and spilled its contents everywhere
Got curry on my favourite jumper
Got soaked


Had the moaniest children EVER.... MY one year old has clung to my leg crying all day and the two year old isn't well so all in all a pretty crap day but....

As I am a cups half full kind a gal, I have insurance so a new phone will hopefully be sent, my children are tucked up sound asleep in bed safe in the knowledge that their mummy loves them no matter how much they and I moan and its Friday so it can only get better...

Today has consisted of...

Food shopping at Asda
Walking round with a huge frown, no good for the wrinkles
Curry for tea and now I'm supposed to be watching Planet of the Apes (boring) I'm so not good at watching films

1 comment:

  1. Well so glad I was too busy to watch that pile of shite!
