Tuesday 24 April 2012

Children who don't know their own name?

I saw this on Twitter yesterday and in all honesty I didn't believe it, how on earth can a child not know its name???

Even if they don't know their last name surely they know their own Christian name? 

Well according to press apparently its a growing problem amongst deprived children that their parents spend too much time watching TV or on the internet to talk to their children and to call them by their name.  


I do believe that far too many children cannot write their own name or may not even know their full name by the time they start school but if its true that their parents never say that child's name then I find this very sad, even though I am dubious of how widespread this is.

My 2 year old knows her own name in full and sometimes she likes to add Princess to the beginning, she also knows her baby sisters full name and she knows mummy and daddy's names as well. Its handy if she ever gets lost in the supermarket but we've primarily done it because its good fun for her, one of her favourite games is "what's your name mummy?" and in return I ask her what her name is, what's her daddy's name, Baba's name etc.. She loves it. We are well on the way for her learning to write her name, she recognises it when she see's it wrote anywhere and she can also identify the words Mummy, Daddy & Isobel

If this is what is happening to our children in society then it just makes me feel very sad and not just because of the lack of knowledge/pre school education for a child but for the lack of parental love/family time that that child must have missed out on. 


  1. My MIL is a recently retired school teacher who mainly worked in very deprived and tough areas. She says nothing surprises her any more about some families. Sadly. I can well believe it.

    1. It is really sad, "The Jeremy Kyle generation"
