Wednesday 11 April 2012

Sad news

Not my normal sort of post but today I found out that a childhood friend has died, I don't know how but I know it was sudden and she was only 37.

I haven't seen or spoken to her in years even though occasionally she did cross my mind, wondering how her life turned out... was she happy.. Etc.. I am truly terrible at keeping in touch with people and I often think oh I will get in contact with such and such but I never do it, which is sad that I let relationships just fizzle out, in truth the internet has been a god send for me and my lazy ways to at least keep in touch with family but some people still slip through the net.

Clare lived across the road from us, her mum and dad used to get my little brother from school whilst my mum was at work and I have known her since I was probably about 5 or 6 years old. I am sad to say I wasn't always a great friend, whenever I fell out with my other friends, Clare would be my go to friend or if I was grounded (which was a lot) then my mum would still let me go and play with Clare because she was one of the good girls.

Reading through tributes for her it seems like she was still one of the good girls.

There are so many evil people in this world but we seem to lose far too many of the good ones young. Just in the last 12 months I have found out that 4 old school friends of mine have died! 4!! So Clare will make 5.

We are in our 30's!!! So I am having to learn not to take life for granted, it's not a given that I will live until I'm 100 but hopefully I will get close.

I hope the good ones have access to the internet...

Dear Clare

I hope your reading this from on high..

I'm sorry I wasn't a better friend and that I didn't stay in touch. I truly hope your life was happy and filled with love and thank you for being a big part of my happy childhood memories.

Good night and god bless xxx

Cherish your loved ones and don't take life for granted as you never know when its your last day.

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