Monday 28 May 2012

I'm a lazy blogger...

Thats not an euphemism.. or maybe it is... anyway, when I sign into Blogger I get the list of blogs that I follow and it always surprises me how much some people blog, they blog loads! Most blog almost everyday, some blog two or three times a day whilst I blog.. occasionally, when I can be bothered, when I can find the time. It has taken me 25 minutes to write these piddling few lines, in between wiping noses, stopping my 3 year old running over her sister in a motorised car, going to look at snails, getting juice, wiping more noses... you get the picture it is never ending looking after toddlers and working from home and trying to blog but I am going to try harder because as they say practise makes perfect and lets face it I need the bloody practise!


  1. You're far from a lazy blogger. You've written 12 posts so far this month and that's more than me. I think it's better to write when you have something to say rather than writing just for the sake of it

  2. Thanks, I think its because I normally do about 3 in one day and then I don't blog for ages. Its hard to get the balance right :-/

  3. Yes, I've only done ten this month and that's because I had a few reviews to catch up on and had to force myself to get the last couple completed. Some people do blog WAY too much - I prefer to live my life and blog about it, not the other way round.
