Wednesday 23 May 2012

Today I can't cope!

Well I can cope but everything seems 1000 times harder today than it did yesterday.

Why is it some days you feel like Superwoman! Whatever life throws at you POW! Kids play up POW! House needs cleaning POW POW POW!  and then other days (today) you couldn't give a flying fuck, kids play up - shout at them / ignore them / hide from them. House needs cleaning, bollocks to it. Shit thrown at you.. Oh look I'm splattered in shit...

I hate these days, they make me feel like a failure, I shout at the kids too much, I moan too much, I am too tired to do anything, its just SHIT!

I know the reason I feel like this today, I have a stupid cough that has kept me up for the last three nights, Baba also has a bad cough and my 3 year old has suddenly decided the last two nights at about 3am that she would like milk!! 

So I am tired, I am ill and tired or should that be sick and tired? Whatever... I aim to be on sparkling form soon, either that or I may go find the nearest (furthest away) circus!


  1. Hope you feel better soon, and if it helps your not alone!Trust me :-) xx

    1. Thanks, it was just one of those days lol xx

  2. I know this was written a few days ago, so I hope that you are feeling more in control now. Just remember it's okay to not feel okay at times just let it pass and then be fighting fit!

  3. Thanks Pippa, it was just one of those days and I'm sure there will be plenty more to come lol
